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Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Tips Supaya Blog Muncul di Search Engine

Untuk membuat supaya blog kita bisa muncul di search engine, apa lagi munculnya dihalaman depan dan bagian atas, merupakan keinginan hampir semua bloger. Namun tidaklah mudah untuk membuat blog kita nangkring di top rank result search engine. Ada banyak cara yang dilakukan supaya hal tersebut terwujud, mulai dari yang otak-atik script dan meta tag sampai membayar jasa SEO Service. Nha berikut ini akan aku berikan sedikit tips atau hal-hal yang mempengaruhi kenapa blog kita bisa nangkring di urutan atas hasil pencarian search engine, atau setidaknya masuk dalam deretan hasil pencarian walopun berada diurutan buncit

Berikut ini tipsnya (untuk Google) :
1. Coba ketikkan alamat URL blog kamu di google search kemudian tekan Enter. Jika blogmu muncul berarti sudah ke indes di google tapi mungkin masih kalah bersaing dengan yang lain. Dan jika blogmu tidak muncul berarti belum keindex di google. Coba daftarkan blog km di Hasil tidak langsung jadi lho, jadi perlu waktu supaya blog kita terindex oleh google.

2. "Title Blog", jika membuat blog tentunya kita disuruh untuk membuat title blog. Title blog ini sangat penting dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil pencarian di search engine, jadi pintar-pintarlah untuk memilih title blog km. Buatlah title blog yang menggambarkan isi dari blog km. Jangan terlalu panjang dan jangan terlalu pendek.

3. "Title Postingan". Title postingan ini juga hampir sama pentingnya dengan title blog. Dalam membuat title postingan atau judul postingan hendaknya dipikirkan betul, bayangkan kira2 judul apa yang paling cocok untuk postinganmu. Juga bayangkan kira2 jika km mencari artikel tentang postingan mu tersebut, keyword apa yang akan km ketikkan di dalam search engine. Bayangkan seperti itu.

4. "Update Blog", sering-seringlah mengupdate blog km setidaknya dalam satu minggu itu sekali ato dua kali. Hal ini pernah aku rasakan efeknya di salah satu blogku. Blogku yang pada awalnya memiliki pengunjung dari search engine sekitar 30-40% tiba-tiba menurun drastis menjadi hanya sekitar 3%. Itu terjadi karena blog tersebut sudah lama tidak aku update, dan ketika aku update lagi, kemudian blogku kembali bisa memasuki jajaran top rank di search engine result.

5. "Promosikan blogmu", promosikan blogmu ke banyak web/blog, forum, situs2 promosi gratis, dll. Karena semakin banyak link blogmu tersebar maka akan semakin sering pula spider searh engine mengunjungi blogmu.

6. Gitu aja deh tipsnya....

NB: perhatian tips-tips diatas tidak menjamin blogmu akan langsung terangkat di hasil pencarian search engine, karena metode sebenarnya dari pencarian itu yang mengetahui hanyalah dari pemilik search engine itu sendiri. Tapi setidaknya dengan mengikuti tips diatas web/blogmu bisa masuk kedalam hasil pencarian search engine walopun mungkin berada diurutan keberapa..he..he..

Sistem Jaringan Komputer

Sistem Jaringan Komputer
1. Pengenalan Jaringan

Suatu jaringan komputer local biasa disebut LAN (Local Area Network) adalah suatu jaringan data kecepatan tinggi dan fault tolerant yang menghubungkan sejumlah PC, printer dan peralatan lainnya pada suatu area yang relatif kecil.

LAN akan memberikan banyak keuntungan bagi pemakainya seperti penggunaan bersama suatu peralatan seperti printer serta berbagai aplikasi komputer, pertukaran file di antara pemakai yang terhubung di jaringan, dan komunikasi antar pemakai melalui mail elektronik atau aplikasi lainnya.
Untuk mencakup wilayah yang lebih luas maka dikenal istilah Internetworking yang merupakan suatu kumpulan jaringan-jaringan individu yang terhubung melalui peralatan intermediate networking. 2. Protokol dan Topologi LAN

Protokol LAN biasanya memakai satu dari dua metode untuk mengakses media jaringan yaitu: Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) atau Token Passing. Jaringan berbasis Ethernet memakai metode CSMA/CD sedangkan jaringan berbasis Token Ring dan FDDI memakai metode Token Passing.

Secara umum topologi dan protokol LAN dapat digambarkan seperti tertera pada diagram dibawah ini

Topologi logic dari LAN terdiri dari 4 macam yaitu: bus, star, ring dan tree. Topologi fisik jaringan tidak selalu mengikuti topologi logiknya, misalnya untuk jaringan memakai topologi logic bus dan ring secara fisik biasanya disusun berdasar topologi fisik star. Jaringan LAN berbasis Ethernet memakai topologi logic bus jadi secara fisik dapat memakai topologi fisik bus atau star sedangkan jaringan LAN berbasis Token Ring dan FDDI memakai topologi logic ring jadi secara fisik dapat diimplementasikan dengan topologi fisik star dan ring.

3. Komponen Jaringan

Komponen-komponen yang digunakan di dalam jaringan komputer biasanya terdiri dari hub, LAN Switch, repeater, bridge, router.

Suatu hub adalah peralatan yang menghubungkan terminal-terminal pemakai dimana setiap terminal dihubungkan dengan kabel tersendiri sehingga membentuk topologi fisik star namun dapat beroperasi berdasar topologi logic bus atau ring.

LAN Switch digunakan untuk menghubungkan berbagai segmen LAN dan menyediakan komunikasi bebas tubrukan, terdedikasi diantara komponen-komponen jaringan serta mendukung banyak koneksi secara bersamaan. LAN Switch didesain untuk menswitch data frame pada kecepatan tinggi.

Repeater berfungsi menghubungkan diantara segmen-segmen jaringan sehingga memperluas cakupan jaringan tanpa melakukan segmentasi atau pemfilteran namun hanya memperkuat, mesinkronisasi dan mengirim ulang sinyal-sinyal dari satu segmen jaringan ke segmen-segmen jaringan yang lain.

Bridge berfungsi menghubungkan diantara segmen-segmen jaringan namun dengan melakukan pemfilteran sinyal-sinyal data sehingga tetap mempertahankan segmentasi jaringan sehingga menjaga agar lalu-lintas di setiap segmen tidak terpengaruhi oleh lalu-lintas segmen-segmen yang lain. Bridge juga dapat menghubungkan segmen-segmen jaringan yang menggunakan basis protocol akses yang berbeda misalnya segmen Ethernet dengan segmen Token Ring asalkan memakai protocol komunikasi yang sama seperti IP ke IP, IPX ke IPX dll.

Router melaksanakan pengiriman informasi melalui suatu internetworking dan bekerja pada layer 3 OSI. Tugas utama Router adalah menentukan jalur routing yang optimal dan mengirimkan group-group informasi (biasanya disebut paket) melalui suatu internetworking. Ukuran yang digunakan untuk penetuan jalur atau path yang optimal diantaranya: path length, load, reliability, delay, bandwidth dan communication cost. Beberapa Routing Protokol menggunakan algoritma routing yang berbeda-beda, beberapa diantaranya: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), Routing Information Protocol (RIP) dll.

4. Sistem Operasi Jaringan

Suatu sistem operasi jaringan adalah suatu system operasi komputer yang didesain terutama untuk mendukung printer sharing, common file system dan database sharing, application sharing dan kemampuan untuk me-manage suatu network name directory, system keamanan, dan pengawasan segala aspek jaringan.

Terdapat berbagai system operasi jaringan yang ada di pasaran diantaranya: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, LINUX, Novel Netware, Artisoft's LANtastic, Banyan VINES,

Beberapa kategori yang sebagai prasyarat untuk memilih Network Operating System (NOS) yang sesuai kebutuhan :

a. Architectur

Perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki beban kerja yang dinamis perlu memperhatikan arsitektur NOS apakah mendukung system multiprosesor? Apakah systemnya didukung system asimetric atau simetric multiprosesing? Apakah operating systemnya mendukung arsitektur multiprosesor?

b. Scalability

Beberapa hal pertimbangan pemilihan NOS untuk mendukung skala usaha yang menggunakan NOS meliputi: Berapa kapasitas minimum dan maksimum dari memory, disk cache dan disk yang didukung oleh setiap NOS? Berapa jumlah maksimum file locks, open file, concurrent clients, server di dalam domain dan domain yang dapat didukung oleh setiap NOS?

c. Availability dan Reliability

Memiliki fitur file locking, mendukung RAID (Redudant Arrays of Inexpensive Disk), berbagai tipe dari pengalihan kegagalan pada klien (client failover) ketika suatu server mengalami kegagalan dan mendukung konfigurasi fault-tolerant hardware. ini semua merupakan hal yang penting untuk perusahaan yang mengandalkan jaringan sebagai bagian kritis dari operasi bisnis harian mereka.

d. Clients supported

Kebanyakan perusahaan memiliki berbagai macam operating sistem di setiap dekstopnya diantaranya: DOS, DOS/Windows, Windows for Workgroup, Windows 95/98, Windows NT Workstation, Macintosh, OS/2 dan Unix serta peralatan-peralatan seperti terminal X-Windows, terminal character cell(teller terminal, point of sale devices dll). Suatu NOS harus dapat mendukung semua hal di atas.

e. Network Printing

Printing merupakan salah satu dari fungsi-fungsi utama dari NOS. Perusahaan harus dapat mengetahui jawaban dari beberapa hal berikut dalam memilih NOS :

1. Berapa jumlah printer yang mampu didukung setiap server
2. Printer banyak Dapat dikendalikan oleh satu antrian print
3. Dapatkah banyak antrian print mengendalikan satu printer
4. Dapatkah NOS membangkitkan sinyal alarm ke operator jika timbul masalah ketika mencetak
5. Dapatkah NOS memberitahu pemakai apabila tugas pencetakan telah selesai
6. Dapatkah fungsi pencetakan di-manage dari jauh

f. Network Media

Berbagai tipe media jaringan telah banyak digunakan dalam perusahaan seperti media Ethernet, Token Ring, asynchronous dan synchronous telephone lines, Packet Switched Data Networks(PSDN) seperti X.25, fiber optic dan Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Tanpa kemampuan dukungan terhadap semua hal di atas maka sangat sukar bagi suatu perusahaan untuk membangun infrastuktur jaringan yang paling optimal untuk kebutuhan jaringannya.

g. Network Protocols

Pemilihan NOS harus mempertimbangkan kompatibilitas antara protocol jaringan yang digunakan dengan NOS yang meliputi 3270 dan asynchronous terminal emulation, AppleTalk filing protocol (AFP), TCP/IP, Telnet, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), SNA, SNA LU6.2, SNA Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX), NetWare file services, NetWare print services, NetBIOS, dan NetBEUI. Kategori ini juga mempertimbangkan apakah akses client ke server melalui suatu saluran asynchronous, PSDN, Internet atau ISDN.

h. Network Services

Kategori ini untuk mengevaluasi platform NOS untuk menentukan apakah NOS tersebut menyediakan fungsi-fungsi yang diperlukan untuk directory services yang mengijinkan user mengakses layanan jaringan tanpa perlu mengetahui alamat jaringan, layanan keamanan yang mengontrol akses ke fungsi-fungsi directory management dan menentukan apakah NOS mendukung tool-tool dan layanan-layanan yang sudah dispesifikasikan oleh Dekstop Management Task Force (DMTF).

i. Server Management

Memastikan ketersediaan tool untuk me-manage platform NOS, termasuk audit trail functions, file management, user account management, error reporting, dan server performance reporting. Perusahaan memerlukan informasi ini untuk peng-administrasian NOS platform.

j. Security

Mengevaluasi kesesuaian standar platform NOS, dukungan terhadap access control list, disk quotas, automatic discovery dan management dari penyusup, dukungan terhadap callback modem, dukungan terhadap security management system seperti Kerberos, dan apakah encryption services tersedia.

k. Functionality/Utility

Proses konsolidasi server-server fungsi tunggal ke dalam server-server multi fungsi harus mengevaluasi insfrastruktur platform NOS. Suatu operating system fungsi tunggal dapat menyediakan kinerja yang lebih tinggi untuk layanan file dan print namun memerlukan dukungan operating system lain untuk sebagai platform layanan aplikasi. Suatu general purpose operating system dapat mendukung mutlifunctions server sehingga dapat mengurangi management dan biaya sistem.

l. Application development tools

NOS platform harus dapat mendukung layanan aplikasi sebaik dukungan terhadap layanan file dan print. Kategori ini meninjau ketersediaan dari third generation language (3GLs), fourth generation language (4GLs), object oriented development tools dan tool untuk team programming di setiap NOS paltform.

m. Data access

NOS platform harus dapat mendukung aplikasi-aplikasi yang lebih kompleks sehingga harus juga mendukung file access methode dan indexed file access method. Kategori ini mengevaluasi dukungan NOS platform untuk file services.

n. Database support

Software database biasanya merupakan bagian dari infrastuktur distributed applications. Kategori ini mengevaluasi software database yang tersedia pada setiap NOS platform.

o. Applications

Kategori ini untuk mengevaluasi layanan aplikasi apa saja yang tersedia pada setiap NOS platform seperti mail client, mail server, word proccessing client, spreadsheet client, integrated office suite atau Lotus Note.

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

Menayangkan iklan bergaya PageEar (PagePeel)

PagePeel atau biasa disebut juga dengan istilah PageEar, Magic Corner, PeelAd, peel away ad atau apalah namanya, merupakan salah satu cara lain menayangkan iklan dengan gaya (style) yang berbeda. Tidak seperti tampilan iklan banner pada umumnya, jika anda mengarahkan mouse pada area PagePeel ini, maka akan terlihat halaman menggulung layaknya anda membuka selembar kertas dan menemukan halaman lain dilembar sebaliknya. Tujuan utama memasang PagePeel tentu saja ingin mendapatkan perhatian lebih besar dari pengunjung untuk mengkliknya.

Salah satu contoh blog populer yang menerapkan PagePeel adalah Namun sangat disayangkan ia sendiri malah menjual layanan PagePeel (peel away ad) ini seharga $37.00. Yah bayar..tidak perlu berkecil hati dan jangan sampai mengeluarkan dana paypal anda untuk membelinya. Dari semua nama PagePeel yang saya sebut diatas, terus terang hanya ada satu layanan saja yang berani mengratiskanya, yaitu PageEar.

Meskipun gratis.. PageEar tidak kalah dengan versi PagePeel berbayar, salah satu fitur unggulannya yaitu kemampuan PageEar untuk menjalankan gambar dan suara sekaligus. Karena PageEar dijalankan via Flash dan JavaScript based, jadi anda dapat menggunakannya pada platform (blog/site) apa saja, termasuk blogger dong tentunya :)

Beberapa Fitur menarik dari PageEar:

  • NEW! Pageear is scalable now. You can change the peel size 100×100 and 500×500 Pixel by your own.
  • Plays MP3-Files on startup, open and close of Pagepeel.
  • Possibility to leave peel open and wait for userklick to close. Close text is editable.
  • Place it on the left or right upper corner
  • Open and close automaticly after X seconds
  • Speed of the small pageear could be changed
  • Flashcheck (Adobe© Flash Detection)
  • Reflecting image on corner
  • Color of the pagecorner
  • Link target on external side or own (self, new)
  • Downwardcompatibly up to Flashversion 6
  • Runs on nearly all Browser (FireFox, InternetExplorer, Opera, Safari, etc.)

Tutorial Cara Pasang (Installasi):

1. Download dulu file PageEar v1.4

2. Kemudian Extrack file di folder anda.

3. Silahkan Edit File pageear.js (menggunakan notepad misalkan)

Note: dalam file pageear.js inilah semua konfigurasi yang anda perlukan. Agar anda tidak pusing tujuh keliling, saya sertakan saja contoh dari beberapa kemungkinan yang perlu anda edit. Lihat code yang diedit dengan warna merah.

var pagearSmallImg = '';

var pagearSmallSwf = '';

var pagearBigImg = '';

var pagearBigSwf = '';

var jumpTo = ''

Sebenarnya masih banyak configurasi yang lain, selebihnya dibaca saja ya pada manualnya.

4. Upload semua file yang ada dalam folder pageear_v14/pageear/ ke server milik anda ( misalkan)

5. Langkah akhir lakukan pemanggilan javascript, atau dari pada puyeng langsung copy paste aja kode dibawah ini. jangan lupa mengganti alamat url dibawah ditandai dengan warna merah dibawah.

Untuk pengguna blogger silahkan meletakan script diatas di bawah kode <data:blog.pagetitle/> pada halaman Edit HTML.

Bagaimana mengubah image sesuai keinginan anda?

Pertama buat image dengan ukuran 100x100 pixel, lalu simpan dengan nama pageear_s.jpg kemudian dengan cara yang sama, buat lagi image dengan ukuran 500x500 pixel, lalu simpan dengan nama pageear_b.jpg Jika anda sudah membuat kedua image diatas, silahkan upload kembali ke server milik anda.

Selamat Mencoba..

10 tools terbaik untuk menganalisa halaman Web/Blog

Keberhasilan beberapa blog/situs populer bukan karena kejeniusan mereka memainkan SEO dan Keyword, bukan juga karena content yang mereka tulis memang merupakan materi populer, tapi banyak sekali faktor-faktor yang menentukan, ini sebaiknya yang harus kita cermati sekaligus dipelajari jika ingin blog kita benar2 bisa sejajar dengan blog/situs populer lainnya. Cara inilah yang selalu saya lakukan bila setiap kali menemukan situs2 populer, saya selalu melakukan riset, mempelajarinya, lalu mencoba mengakses keberbagai data statistik mereka. Dan cara ini lumayan berhasil dari pada saya harus menghabiskan waktu mempelajari keyword utama mereka, apalagi sampai membuat duplikat konten terbaik pada situs populer tersebut :D pokoknya jangan sampai dah..

Nah, daripada tanya sana-sini gak jelas, lebih baik saya sarankan kita mencoba menganalisa statistik halaman mereka secara langsung. Caranya mudah saja, coba pelajari statistik halaman kita sendiri terlebih dahulu, sekarang coba bandingkan dengan beberapa halaman web populer lainya. Lihat dan coba perhatikan statistik web mereka, misalkan dengan membandingkan kecepatan loading page, bandingkan jumlah karakter keyword dan deskripsi yang mereka gunakan, pada layanan populer mana saja halaman mereka teridex bla..bla.. dan tentu saja masih banyak lagi yang harus kita pelajari. Yang jelas, semakin sering kita melakukan riset, semakin banyak pula ilmu untuk memudahkan kita menemukan jawabannya.

Dibawah ini merupakan 10 tools terbaik yang biasa saya gunakan untuk melakukan riset dan mencoba menganalisa halaman-halaman web/blog target, silahkan dicoba aja dulu:


Pageboss mampu menganalisa halaman blog dengan lengkap dan sukup mendetail, kita bisa melihat beberapa informasi penting diantaranya site ranking dan kualitas trafik dari beberapa search engine dan layanan statistik populer lainnya.


Cara kerja Seorush hampir mirip dengan Pageboss, sayang halaman yang ditayangkan tidak begitu detail. tapi lumayan juga sebagai tool pembanding.


Layanan ini juga memberikan analisa yang sangat lengkap, setiap analisa ditayangkan berdasarkan tab tersendiri. sayangnya beberapa alamat domain kadang ada yang tidak support.


Tools UrlMatrix ini pernah saya jelaskan di tulisan sebelumnya, jadi silahkan di baca kembali tulisan terdahulu disini.


Cool..layanan Page Speed Test inilah yang sampai saat ini masih saya gunakan, layanan ini mampu memberikan informasi lengkap dalam mengalisa setiap ukuran image yang kita gunakan pada halaman web. Terus terang saya selalu memperhatikan masalah ukuran gambar, anda bisa cek sendiri sebesar apapun ukuran gambar yang saya gunakan dan biasnaya tidak lebih besar dari 10KB.


Jangan bangga dulu dengan tampilan desain template kita saat ini, sebagus apapun kalau cuman bagusnya di firefox doank kan percuma hehehe. jadi selalu gunakan layanan Browsershots sebagai tools pembanding apakah tampilan blog/site kita sudah tampil sesuai harapan jika ditampilkan menggunakan web browser yang berbeda.


Tool ini termasuk web page speed report yang akurat, dan ada banyak sekali informasi yang tayangkan. Selain hanya menyampainkan informasi penting pada halaman web yang dianalsis, kita juga diberikan solusi serta pemecahan masalah.


SeoCentro merupakan salah satu tool SEO favorite saya, walaupun termasuk tool SEO jadul, tapi perannya sangat berguna juga sebagai Meta Tag analysis.


Tools analisis web dan SEO yang terbilang sangat kompleks dimana layanan ini dikemas kedalam satu paket all in one. Terus terang saya jarang sekali menggunakan layanan ini tapi tidak ada salahnya di uji coba dulu :)

10. GHDB

Mana ada tools web analisis terbaik selain Google itu sendiri, manfaatkan selalu Google Search untuk mencari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya. Gali dan terus gali semua informasi yang anda butuhkan..karena apapun pertanyaan anda semua sudah terjawab di Google. Satu rahasia yang jarang diungkap para master SEO, yaitu Google hack dan basic SEO dari Google itu sendiri..ini bisa rekan pelajari pada GHDB (Google Hack Data Base) yang sebenarnya sudah lama sekali dikelompokan kedalam satu database yang dikembangkan oleh Johnny i hack stuff. Silahkan pelajari cara Google menganalisa halaman web target, tapi bukan cara h*cking-nya lho ya. Trus alamat link-nya mana?? nah itu dia, silahkan di Googling aja pasti ketemu kok :D

Sebenarnya beberapa layanan diatas bukanlah sebagai solusi, tapi hanya sebagai tools mempermudah pekerjaan anda saja. Saya selalu berusaha membuat pembaca blog ini tidak manja. Dan jujur saja, membangun blog itu sangat sulit dan tidak semudah membalikan telapak tangan, semua butuh waktu tenaga dan pikiran. Jadi pelajari saja karateristik blog/site populer sesuai target yang ingin anda pelajari statistiknya, saya yakin semakin sering anda menganalisa, semakin mudah saja anda akan menemukan jawaban pada akhirnya. thanks

Panduan Instalasi Perangkat Jaringan Lokal (LAN)

Ebook dengan judul “Instalasi Perangkat Jaringan Lokal (LAN)“ menguraikan tentang konsep dasar jaringan komputer, persiapan dan pelaksanaan instalasi perangkat jaringan lokal, dan cara menguji bahwa jaringan telah beroperasi dengan benar.

Ebook ini terkait dengan modul lain yang membahas tentang menginstal PC (hardware), menginstal software, mengoperasikan sistem operasi berbasis GUI maupun TEXT, dan beberapa Ebook yang lain yang sudah saya posting sebelumnya.

Seperti kita ketahui bahwa pengetahuan tentang jaringan sangatlah penting. Bagi anda yang ingin membuka usaha warnet..rental komputer..atau mungkin hanya ingin sekedar bermain game ria dengan teman - teman anda secara LAN, maka anda bisa mendownload ebook yang berjudul Instalasi Perangkat Jaringan Lokal (LAN) ini.

Ebook ini memberikan panduan untuk menginstalasi Perangkat Jaringan Lokal (LAN), mulai dari awal persiapan..kemudian proses instalasi..hingga sampai pada finishing atau pengecekan jaringan. Dengan mendownload dan membaca ebook tutorial dan panduan instalasi jaringan (LAN) ini maka anda akan mahir mengkonfigurasi dan meginstalasi jaringan (LAN) pada komputer satu dengan komputer yang lain dengan prosedur yang benar, tepat, efisien dan tentu saja mudah. Ebook yang berjudul Instalasi Perangkat Jaringan Lokal (LAN) ini bisa anda download secara gratis di

Sebelum download ebook ini, baca dulu TIPS MEMPERCEPAT DOWNLOAD DISINI

Download Ebook Tersebut Disini

Local Area Network (LAN)

Terdapat sejumlah perangkat yang melewatkan aliran informasi data dalam sebuah LAN. Penggabungan perangkat tersebut akan menciptakan infrastruktur LAN. Perangkat-perangkat tersebut adalah :

  • Repeater
  • Bridge
  • Hub
  • Switche
  • Router


Repeater, bekerja pada layer fisik jaringan, menguatkan sinyal dan mengirimkan dari satu repeater ke repeater lain. Repeater tidak merubah informasi yang ditransmisikan dan repeater tidak dapat memfilter informasi. Repeater hanya berfungsi membantu menguatkan sinyal yang melemah akibat jarak, sehingga sinyal dapat ditransmisikan ke jarak yang lebih jauh.


hub.gifHub menghubungkan semua komputer yang terhubung ke LAN. Hub adalah repeater dengan jumlah port banyak (multiport repeater). Hub tidak mampu menentukan tujuan; Hub hanya mentrasmisikan sinyal ke setiap line yang terkoneksi dengannya, menggunakan mode half-duplex.


bridge.gifBridge adalah “intelligent repeater”. Bridge menguatkan sinyal yang ditransmisikannya, tetapi tidak seperti repeater, Brigde mampu menentukan tujuan.


ethernetswitch.gifSwitch menghubungkan semua komputer yang terhubung ke LAN, sama seperti hub. Perbedaannya adalah switch dapat beroperasi dengan mode full-duplex dan mampu mengalihkan jalur dan memfilter informasi ke dan dari tujuan yang spesifik.


router.gifRouter adalah peningkatan kemampuan dari bridge. Router mampu menunjukkan rute/jalur (route) dan memfilter informasi pada jaringan yang berbeda. Beberapa router mampu secara otomatis mendeteksi masalah dan mengalihkan jalur informasi dari area yang bermasalah.

Apa itu LAN ? MAN ? WAN ?

Ada beberapa tipe jenis desain jaringan, mungkin yang sering kita dengar yaitu LAN (Local Area Network). Tetapi bukan cuma LAN saja, diantaranya yaitu MAN, SAN,CAN dan semua yang berakhiran “AN” ( :P ).

Tetapi jangan khawatir, jika kamu tahu kata pertama dari tiap singkatan, berarti tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan.

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Download Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2

Download Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2Internet Explorer 8 is an application besutan latest Microsoft browser that provides a variety of features that do not exist in previous versions of the browser program. This application provides ease of use, fast, and has been improving the security system that provides convenience to users to surf in the virtual world more optimal.


Ulead VideoStudio Plus 11.5 with Dolby Digital PowerPack

Ulead VideoStudio Plus 11.5 with Dolby Digital PowerPack

Ulead® VideoStudio® 11 is video editing and DVD authoring software for anyone who wants to easily produce professional-looking videos, slideshows and DVDs. Ulead® VideoStudio™ lets users quickly and easily produce their own home videos complete with attractive titles, video filters, transitions, and sound. Preserve your precious movies on dvd, CD, tape, the Web or mobile devices to share with family and friends. Unlike other software, Ulead VideoStudio features an intuitive step-based interface that helps users get started right away. And, if you’ve never edited a movie before, make one in three easy steps using the new Movie Wizard mode. By following the steps, you will be creating video masterpieces before you know it. Once you have completed your video projects, you can share them on tape, e-mail, the Web or burn your own high-quality VCDs, SVCDs and DVDs. Unmatched stability, high-speed rendering and real-time performance mean less waiting and more time for creating. Make editing your movies as fun as shooting them.

Main Features:
• Unmatched Ease of use
• Capture video from anywhere
• Fix common video problems easily
• Tools for Creative Power
• New Encoding Options
• Enhanced Movie Wizards
• DV-to-DVD Wizard
• Pro-quality titles and subtitles
• More Brilliant Filters and Effects
• Great Sound for Great Videos
• Enhanced Menus and Authoring
• The Most Complete Solution

End-to-end HD DVD
• Burn HD DVD authored projects or folders to HD DVD-R or DVD discs.
• AVCHD Camcorder Support - Import high definition video from hard drive and disc-based AVCHD camcorders.
• Real-time HD Editing without proxies on high-spec systems.

Enhanced Movie Wizard Templates
• Automatically create exciting movie-style openings using your video clips in multiple animated frames, which you can personalize later.
• Capture, edit and output full-resolution HD movies and discs.

New Auto Features
• Auto Subtitles in DV-to-DVD Wizard. Automatically add DV date and timestamp as you capture your videos, to instantly identify when it was shot.
• Smart Project Package. Free up disc space by exporting your trimmed and edited project to a new folder, for efficient archiving of only the clips that you have used in your final movie.

More Flexible User Interface
• Preview Window for overlays shows original overlay image, making it easier to adjust chroma key settings.
• Expandable Timeline. Expand the timeline at a click of a button, so that you can conveniently see all your overlay tracks.
• Place cue marks on the timeline to easily mark where you want a title to start, or perhaps some music to come in.
• “My Favorites” folder in Transitions Folder makes it easier to find the most-used transitions quickly.

New Encoding Options
• MPEG Optimizer analyzes the bitrates of all clips on the timeline, and suggests encoding settings to ensure the least re-rendering for the best quality and speed.
• Safely Pause rendering at any time when you need to do something that requires more PC resources.

Expanded Title and Subtitle Support
• Multi-language titles such as double-byte Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters supported.
• Unicode character set supported to simplify multi-language titles.
• Rotate titles directly in the preview window to any angle you like.
• DVD Sub-Title Import lets you Import a subtitle set in the language of your choice together with the video from a DVD.
• Sync subtitles to downloaded movies, which often have subtitle files available in .srt format that will automatically synch to the video when burning a DVD.

More Filters and Effects
• Corrective Video Filters
- Auto Color & Tone will auto-correct the color and tone of videos that were recorded in low light or less than perfect white balance conditions.
- DeBlock Filter cleans up video with blocky compression artifacts, such as movies copied from VCD.
- DeSnow Filter removes digital noise from your videos shot in low light.
• Combine transparency and mask or chroma key effects for more striking overlays.

Enhanced DVD Menus and Authoring
• Lots More Content. Flash Animations, Movie Wizard Video & Slideshow Style Templates, and HD DVD* menus.
• Distort menu objects like buttons and overlays for creative effects.

The Most Complete Solution
• Create Quality Movies for Mobile Devices and show them on the go. Works with virtually any handheld device with MPEG-4*, H.264* and WMV templates for:
- Apple iPod*
- Sony PSP™*
- Zune™
- Nokia® mobile phones* – including import from videophones
- Smartphones (Windows Mobile 5.0), PDAs and other portable devices.
• Windows Vista™ Support for the latest-generation systems.
• Intel® Core 2 Duo™ support – enjoy improved performance from dual-core CPUs.


1000 Hacker Tutorials 2008 (Full Version) - Reloaded

1000 Hacker Tutorials 2008 - Full Version

8MB | Complete list on next page


Create Bootable XP SP integrated CD
Create One-click Shutdown And Reboot Shortcuts.txt Creating a Board aka Forum on your own PC !.rtf
Creating Universal Ghost Usb Boot Disk And Cd.txt
Data Capacity of CDs [Tutorial].txt
Debug, Learn how ***** windows.txt
Delete An undeletable File.txt
Delete Files From The Recent File List In Windows.txt
Digital Camera Guide.txt
Digital Faq-learn Everything About Digital Capture, Edit and Burning and more.txt
Digital Photo Id Cards, Greate Info.txt
Direct Link To Any Page You Want To In Hotmail.txt
Directx Explained.txt
Disable Compression On Xp, NTFS partition, Disk Cleanup.txt
Disable The Send Error Report, to Microsoft.txt
Disable Windows Logo Key.txt
Discover New Music You’ll Probably Love.txt
Download Free Music legally, legally.txt
Download from a paypal site without paying a penny!.txt
Download From Ftpz, Using Ftp Search Sitez.txt
Download Mp3’s Without Using Filesharing.txt
Download Music And Video With Media Player 9, quick and easy!.txt
Download Timeframes.txt
Dual Boot After The Fact.txt
Dvd Copying-ripping Definitions.txt
DVD Regions Information.txt
Dvd-9 to Dvd+r Dl, Double Layer To Double Layer, 1-1 copies.txt
Easily Disconnect-reconnect From Broadband.txt
Easily Find Serial Numbers On Google.., easy to do and works like a charm.txt
Ebay Hacktip.txt
General Keyboard Shortcuts.txt
Get In Windows 2000 As Administrator.txt
Get the Most Out of Your DVD Recorder.txt
Get The Music You Want To Hear.tx
Get unlimited bandwidth from your host for free.txt
Getting A 1gb Yahoo China Account.txt
Getting Counter-strike Source To Work.txt
getting movies, mp3,games using google.txt
Getting older programs to run on Windows XP.txt
Getting started with Linux for noobs!.txt
Go to Windows updates anonymously.txt
Google Search.txt
Google secrets.txt
Google Tips & Tricks, (utilizing search engine).txt
Graffiti On Walls 4 Adobe Photoshop Cs 8.0.txt
Guide For Getting Free Stuff.txt
Guide to IIS Exploitation.txt
Guide to Slipstreaming Service Pack 2.txt
Hard drive Gone Bad.txt
Hardware Firewall.txt
How To Add An Option To Print, the Contents of a Folder!.txt
How To Add Your Own Windows Tips.txt
How to Back Up the Registry.txt
How To Backup Ps2 Games.txt
How To Block Websties Without Software, block websites.txt
How To Boot Xp Faster (updated).txt
How to build a black box.txt
how to burn quicker in windows xp.txt
How to Bypass BIOS Passwords.txt
How To Bypass Web Filters, tutorial.txt
How To Change A Cmos Battery.txt
How to change the serial number used in Windows XP, Valid for XP Corporate.txt
How To Change Thumbnail Size And Quality.txt
How to clear Bios info 2.txt
How to clear Bios info.txt
How To Convert File System, fat - fat32 to ntfs.txt
How To Copy A Dvd Which Will Play On A X Box.txt
How to copy songs from your iPod to your PC.txt
How To Customise Your start Button.txt
How To Delete Those Persistent Nasty Files.txt 0.53 kB
How To Directly Go To Inbox, Write Msg, w Hotmail, no need for How to find MP3’s real quickly.txt 0.35 kB
How To Find Serial Numbers On Google.txt 0.79 kB
How to fix corrupted files in XP.txt 1.48 kB
How to fix Windows Installer problem.txt 0.96 kB
How To Get A Free I-pod Or Flat Screen Tv, check it out.txt 6.62 kB
How to Get someones ISP password, Get free internet.txt 2.65 kB
How To Get Top Ranking, Search Engines.txt 6.58 kB
How To Hack Windows Xp Admin Passwords.txt 2.52 kB
How to hack-change your Windows XP Boot Screen.txt 1.52 kB
how To Hide Yourself From Network Users!, And give access to only specific users!.txt 0.86 kB
How To Make An Animted Logo.txt 5.26 kB
How To Make Free Phone Calls.txt 2.29 kB
How to make key generators.txt 8.83 kB
How To Make Perfect Copies Of Maxis The Sims Discs, CloneCD Style!.txt 1.17 kB
How To Make XP Go Faster.txt 5.58 kB
How To make your own Radio Station 2.txt 3.26 kB
How To Make Your Own Radio Station.txt 1.58 kB
How to Remove DRM Protection for Video Files.txt 2.29 kB
How To Remove Ms Java Vm And Install Sun Java.txt 0.05 kB
How To Remove Signin Details Of Msn Passport.txt 1.04 kB
How To Remove The Default Admin$ Shares.txt 1.03 kB
How to remove the Links folder in IE Favorites.txt 0.59 kB
How to Remove WinXP Splash and See Operations.txt 1.19 kB
How To Rename Extensions With Ease, with a Renamer.bat file!.txt 0.44 kB
How to Rename File Extensions.txt 3.11 kB
How To Rename Multiple Files In Winxp.txt 0.56 kB
How To Restrict Login Hours Allowed.txt 0.58 kB
How to safeguard your files when computer crashes.txt 2.94 kB
How to save Windows xp updates.txt 0.63 kB
how to search google for RAPIDSHARE links.txt 0.98 kB
How To See Hidden Files, Using Dos.txt 0.08 kB
How To Set search For All Files In Winxp.txt 0.71 kB
How to set up a http server running from you computer.txt 3.06 kB
How To Set Up A Proxy In Flashget, As Requested.txt 0.66 kB
How to set up a server with Apache , PHP , MySQL , Perl , phpMyAdmin.txt 8.77 kB
How To Set Up Direct Connect.txt 26.96 kB
How To Set Up Proxies In Your Browser.txt 1.63 kB
How To Set Zone Alarm Settings!, Fix for ZA ports.txt 2.12 kB
How To Setup Your Own Dns (Domain Name Server).txt 6.97 kB
How To Speed Up A Slow Computer.txt 1.21 kB
How To Speed Up Http Requests On Internet Explorer, as above.txt 1.28 kB
How To Stop Spam.txt 8.05 kB
How to swear in all languages.txt 28.32 kB
How To Unload Cached Dll Files To Free Memory.txt 0.56 kB
How to Use and How to Chain Multiple Proxies!.txt 9.70 kB
How To Use File Compression In Windows Xp.txt 4.19 kB
How To Use Google To Download Mp3’s, and applications…..txt 0.60 kB
How To Use Newsgroups.txt 0.56 kB
How To Use You Gmail With Msn Messenger.txt 0.37 kB
How-to Get Videos And Dvds Onto Your Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) for free.txt 12.91 kB
HOWTO Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro.txt 1.67 kB
Important Faqs For Sp2.txt 9.47 kB
Improve Doom 3’s Performances!!, simple but efficient trick for every1.txt 4.22 kB
Improve your dialup modem preformance.txt 0.73 kB
Increase XP Folder Settings.txt 0.79 kB
Insert Your Serial For Office 2k, auto install office.txt 1.06 kB
Install A New Hard-disk.txt 5.16 kB
Install Xp From Dos.txt 0.84 kB
Installing Apache on Windows.txt 6.29 kB
Installing Gentoo Linux, Amazing step by step tutoria.txt 0.19 kB
Installing IIS On Windows Xp Pro.txt 3.04 kB
Installing Slackware Linux.txt 34.73 kB
Instructions For Removal Of Advertising In Msn Messenger.txt 2.59 kB
Ip Address Structure, Expilinatin OF IP Address {A short way}.txt 7.65 kB
Irc How To Downlaod From, How to downlaod from IRC.txt 3.95 kB
Irc Servers On nix, For people who want to start own IRC net.txt 0.48 kB
Keep Files Private.txt 1.51 kB
Keep Folders Hidden.txt 0.46 kB
Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Excel 2000 - Movement.txt 1.57 kB
Keyboard Shortcuts, Microsoft Word.txt 2.37 kB
Keyboard Shortcuts, must read.txt 3.72 kB
Kill Microsoft Instant Messenger.txt 0.28 kB
Lamination Tips, Its a Fast TUT……txt 1.98 kB
Leet Way To Get Your Ip In Windows Xp.txt 0.26 kB
Linking Your Xbox To Your Computer.txt 33.52 kB
Linux Howto’s.txt 0.08 kB
List Of Sites Not To Go To.txt 4.32 kB
Little help for anonymous mailer.txt 1.56 kB
Lots Of Windows Xp Tips, Take A Look !.txt 12.43 kB
Lyrics With Google.txt 0.08 kB
Make A Autorun File For Ur Cd.txt 0.66 kB
Make A Batch File To Clean UR PC!!, All In One!!.txt 1.37 kB
Make A Roughly 16 Hour Video Dvd.txt 1.01 kB
Make Acrobat Reader 6 load faster.txt 0.42 kB
Make Dvd Iso From Suse 9.2 5 Cds Iso, Linux mode and Windows mode ISO creation.txt 7.41 kB
Make Mp3 Files Smaller Without Losing Quality.txt 0.73 kB
Make Your Own Ringtones For Mobile Phone, also logos, wallpaper, etc.txt 3.00 kB
Make Your Pc Faster, Guaranteed.txt 6.23 kB
MakeXPgoFaster.txt 5.74 kB
making a .cue file, in notepad.txt 0.53 kB
Making A .txt Executable Server.txt 1.60 kB
Making Bootable Floppy Disk to Boot into Windows.txt 4.82 kB
Making Cd Version Of Doom3 Into Dvd Version.txt 0.75 kB
Making Web Page Fonts Consistent and Uniform.txt 0.80 kB
Manage Saved Ie Passwords.txt 0.75 kB
Mastering The Windows XP Registry.txt 5.79 kB
Maximize Dial-up Modem Settings.txt 2.31 kB
Microsoft’s Really Hidden Files, Reveled Hidden files.txt 33.95 kB
mIRC Not Just Another Chat Client, Download Anything You Want Almost.txt 4.37 kB
mIRCcommands.txt 10.10 kB
Misc Linux Tips & Tricks.txt 18.55 kB
Missing Administrator Account.txt 0.52 kB
Mobile Secret Codes.txt 31.09 kB
Modify .exe Files And ***** A Program.txt 3.06 kB
More Hacking/A beginners guide to Hacking UNIX.txt 5.61 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.000 3.85 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.001 32.32 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.002 30.93 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.003 14.75 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.004 54.91 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/ED!SON.NFO 1.58 kB
More Hacking/A Guide to Internet Security- Becoming an Ueber*****er.txt 8.56 kB
More Hacking/A Guide to the Easiest Hacking there is.txt 4.58 kB
More Hacking/A List Of Some OF The Most Useful UNIX Hacking Commands.htm 23.03 kB
More Hacking/A Small Guide to Hacking HOTMAIL.txt 3.02 kB
More Hacking/A UNIX Hacking Tutorial.txt 82.20 kB
More Hacking/Almost Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Security (but.txt 47.52 kB
More Hacking/An Indepth Guide in Hacking UNIX and the concept of Basic Net.txt 40.84 kB
More Hacking/An Introduction to Denial of Service.txt 44.78 kB
More Hacking/An Introduction to the Computer Underground.txt 17.03 kB
More Hacking/Basic Networking.txt 14.04 kB
More Hacking/BBS Crashing Techniques.txt 3.72 kB
More Hacking/BRUTE- A brute force approach to hacking Unix passwords.txt 3.31 kB
More Hacking/Closing the Net.txt 30.69 kB
More Hacking/Compression and *****s for Dummies.txt 52.75 kB
More Hacking/Computer Bulliten Boards and the Law.txt 56.06 kB
More Hacking/Computer Chrime - Current Practices, Problems and Proposed So.txt 96.53 kB
More Hacking/Computer eMail and Privacy.txt 19.18 kB
More Hacking/Computer Hackers News Articles.txt 5.89 kB
More Hacking/Computer Rights vs First and Forth Amentment Right.txt 44.24 kB
More Hacking/Computer Security.txt 63.52 kB
More Hacking/Computer Security_2.txt 51.94 kB
More Hacking/Computer Viruii.txt 19.98 kB
More Hacking/Computerized Governmental Database Systems Containing Persona.txt 40.34 kB
More Hacking/COPS and Robbers-Unix System Security.txt 35.18 kB
More Hacking/Copyright Guides for Photographers.txt 17.02 kB
More Hacking/Crash Course in X Windows Security.txt 12.45 kB
More Hacking/Crime and Puzzlement.txt 62.34 kB
More Hacking/Cultural Formations in Text-Based Virtual Realties.txt 257.27 kB
More Hacking/Cyberspace and the Legal Matrix- Laws or Confusion.txt 20.53 kB
More Hacking/Dark Angel’s Phunky Virus Writing Guide .txt 18.90 kB
More Hacking/Defamation Liability of Computerized Bulliten Board Operators.txt 101.36 kB
More Hacking/Dept of Treasury Letter.txt 11.25 kB
More Hacking/Electronic Bulliten Boards and ‘Public Goods’ Explainations o.txt 45.84 kB
More Hacking/Electropolos - Communication and Comunity on IRC.txt 112.45 kB
More Hacking/Ethload User’s Guide.txt 81.28 kB
More Hacking/Formulating A Company Policy on Access to and Use and Disclos.txt 12.14 kB
More Hacking/Free Speech in Cyberspace.txt 244.25 kB
More Hacking/Gender Issues in Online Communications.txt 24.86 kB
More Hacking/Government Computer Security Techniques.txt 7.88 kB
More Hacking/HACKDICT.TXT 272.00 kB
More Hacking/Hacker Test.txt 20.84 kB
More Hacking/Hackers A-Z.TXT 256.00 kB
More Hacking/Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems.txt 57.40 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Bank Of America’s Home Banking System.txt 5.79 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Compuserve Infomation Service.txt 7.43 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Faq.txt 42.06 kB
More Hacking/Hacking GTE Telemail.txt 19.12 kB
More Hacking/Hacking IRC - The Definitive Guide.txt 13.72 kB
More Hacking/Hacking PC-Pursuit Codes.txt 8.10 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Techniques.txt 8.52 kB
More Hacking/Hacking TRW.txt 2.58 kB
More Hacking/Hacking TYMNET.txt 5.79 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Unix System V’s.txt 10.93 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Wal-Mart Computers.txt 4.09 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Webpages.txt 3.90 kB
More Hacking/How the Traditional Media Clasifications Fail to Protect in t.txt 40.50 kB
More Hacking/How to crash AOL.txt 4.75 kB
More Hacking/How to dial out of a UNIX System.txt 3.49 kB
More Hacking/How to find Security Holes.txt 15.99 kB
More Hacking/How to get a Shell in 24 hours.txt 7.98 kB
More Hacking/How to Hack UNIX System V.txt 10.93 kB
More Hacking/How to login to a C.B.I. System.txt 3.00 kB
More Hacking/How to send ICQ Bombs.txt 2.33 kB
More Hacking/Information of Hacking AngelFire Websites.txt 3.21 kB
More Hacking/Introduction to Denail of Service.txt 44.78 kB
More Hacking/IP addressing, and gaining IP’s.txt 13.70 kB
More Hacking/IP Addressing.txt 13.70 kB
More Hacking/ISSN Numbers- An Introduction.txt 5.96 kB
More Hacking/Junk Mail- How Did They All Get My Address.txt 12.70 kB
More Hacking/LENROS~1.TXT 184.58 kB
More Hacking/LENROS~2.TXT 7.41 kB
More Hacking/MEMETICS.TXT 45.79 kB
More Hacking/MINDVOX.TXT 64.57 kB
More Hacking/MORRIS~1.TXT 31.18 kB
More Hacking/NEIDOR~1.TXT 41.02 kB
More Hacking/NFS Tracing.txt 34.20 kB
More Hacking/Nightline- FBI,Privacy,and Proposed Wire-Tapping Legislation.txt 20.86 kB
More Hacking/NY_2′S Guide to Obtaining An IP Address. .doc 10.50 kB
More Hacking/Organizational Analysis in Computer Science.txt 65.00 kB
More Hacking/PGP Startup Guide.htm 26.00 kB
More Hacking/Presumed Guilty.txt 153.76 kB
More Hacking/Raising Hell with Unix.txt 12.91 kB
More Hacking/Remarks of the President and Vice President to Silicon Valley.txt 37.70 kB
More Hacking/RIGGSB~1.TXT 54.03 kB
More Hacking/RIGGS_~1.TXT 54.03 kB
More Hacking/RIGHTS~1.TXT 7.99 kB
More Hacking/RIVERA.TXT 26.43 kB
More Hacking/Security holes.txt 11.77 kB
More Hacking/Seisure Warrent Documents for Ripco BBS.txt 72.01 kB
More Hacking/Site Security Handbook.txt 247.43 kB
More Hacking/SJ-DEC~1.TXT 45.03 kB
More Hacking/SJ-RESP.TXT 69.59 kB
More Hacking/SMTP-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.txt 117.61 kB
More Hacking/Summary of FBI Computer Systems.txt 5.07 kB
More Hacking/SUNDEVIL.TXT 100.17 kB
More Hacking/SUPREM~1.TXT 56.70 kB
More Hacking/TCP packet fragment attacks against firewalls and filters.txt 4.39 kB
More Hacking/Telenet-The Secret Exposed.txt 9.91 kB
More Hacking/The Basics of Hacking- Introduction.txt 24.82 kB
More Hacking/The Baudy World of the Byte Bandit-A Postmodernist Interpreta.txt 85.17 kB
More Hacking/The Constitution in Cyberspace.txt 46.60 kB
More Hacking/The *****ing Manual.txt 86.38 kB
More Hacking/The Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 - A Laymans .txt 10.04 kB
More Hacking/The Greatest Hacker of all time.ASC 25.02 kB
More Hacking/The Hacker’s League.txt 12.37 kB
More Hacking/The Inner Circle Book’s Hacking Techniques.txt 1.96 kB
More Hacking/The Lamahs-Guide to Pirating Software on the Internet.txt 12.21 kB
More Hacking/The M.M.C. Guide to Hacking, Phreaking, Carding.txt 19.11 kB
More Hacking/The National Information Infrastructure-Agenda for Action.txt 96.49 kB
More Hacking/The Newbies Handbook- ‘ How to beging in the World of Hacking.txt 43.83 kB
More Hacking/The Newbies-User’s Guide to Hacking.txt 47.35 kB
More Hacking/The Pre-History of Cyberspace.txt 60.25 kB
More Hacking/The Price of Copyright Violation.txt 73.11 kB
More Hacking/The REAL way to hack RemoteAccess.txt 12.12 kB
More Hacking/The Secret Service, UUCP,and The Legion of Doom.txt 19.63 kB
More Hacking/the UNIX operating system (Berkley 4.2).txt 13.55 kB
More Hacking/Theft of Computer Software-A National Security Threat.txt 12.22 kB
More Hacking/Thoughts on the National Research and Education Network.txt 19.72 kB
More Hacking/Tips on Starting Your Own BBS.1 8.04 kB
More Hacking/undocumented DOS commands.txt 23.17 kB
More Hacking/UNIX Computer Security Checklist.0 49.34 kB
More Hacking/UNIX Use and Security - By the Prophet.txt 153.74 kB
More Hacking/UNIX Use and Security From The Ground Up.htm 135.60 kB
More Hacking/UNIX- A Hacking Tutorial.SIR 82.26 kB
More Hacking/Viruii FAQ.txt 4.07 kB
More Hacking/Virus-Trojan FAQ.txt 1.95 kB
More Hacking/What Files are Legal for Distribution on a BBS.txt 20.83 kB
More Hacking/What To Look For In A Code Hacking Program.htm 5.56 kB
More Hacking/What To Look For In A Code Hacking Program.txt 5.46 kB
More Hacking/What You Should Know About Computer Viruses.DNA 16.91 kB
More Xp Tips and tricks make your computer more faster.txt 46.14 kB
Moving and Removing the Start Button.txt 0.66 kB
Msn Messenger & Gmail.txt 3.69 kB
My Flash Bookmarks, long list of tutorials.txt 2.98 kB
Myth about WPA ( How it is done ), Windows Product Activation Technique.txt 45.54 kB
Nero How To Verify The Validity Of The Sn U Use.txt 0.88 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/A Basic UNIX Overview.rtf 22.46 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO Hacking Unix.txt 6.05 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/A Novice’s Guide to Hacking 2004.txt 40.75 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/A Novice’s Guide To Hacking.txt 8.58 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/A Short HACKER SPEAK Glossary.txt 9.78 kB
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New Hacking Ebooks/Accessing the bindery files directly.txt 3.97 kB
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New Hacking Ebooks/hacking and phreaking.doc 168.00 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/Hacking for Dummies Volume 2.doc 147.00 kB
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New Hacking Ebooks/Hacking On XP 1-5/hacking on XP part 2.doc 8.25 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/Hacking On XP 1-5/hacking on XP part 3.doc 4.51 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/Hacking On XP 1-5/hacking on XP part 4.doc 0.00 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/Hacking On XP 1-5/hacking on XP part 5.doc 0.00 kB
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New Hacking Ebooks/Hacking Password Protected Website’s.doc 3.06 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/hacking passwords.doc 26.50 kB
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New Hacking Ebooks/How to use the Web to look up information on hacking.doc 16.28 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/IP how to.rtf 5.15 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/NetBios explained.doc 26.68 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/Proxy how to.rtf 3.13 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/Routing Basics.pdf 30.25 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/telnet trick port 25.doc 1.76 kB
New Hacking Ebooks/Yahoo Chat Commands how to.rtf 0.93 kB
New Pc Or New Motherboard.txt 3.77 kB
New Way To Relive Some Zinio File.txt 1.95 kB
news groups the how to do.txt 11.40 kB
Nice list of windows shortcuts.txt 7.50 kB
No Text Icons.txt 0.29 kB
Ntfs Cluster Size, better harddrive performance.txt 1.34 kB
Official Unattended Xp Cd Guide Xp Sp2 @ 0.91 kB
Open Windows Explorer To A Different Default Direc.txt 0.74 kB
Optimize Broadband & Dsl Connections.txt 1.91 kB
Optimize Emule Connection.txt 1.20 kB
Outpost Rules, Outpost rules for system & app.txt 7.32 kB
Outsmarting System File Protection.txt 5.37 kB
Overclocking_Tutorial.txt 7.67 kB
Packet Attacks - Version 1.1, { Packet_Attack_Exlained}.txt 25.94 kB
Part 0 Dc++.txt 4.11 kB
Part 1 Bittorrents.txt 4.19 kB
Part 2 Irc (mirc).txt 4.91 kB
Part 3 Ftp.txt 2.71 kB
Partitioning Your Harddisk With Fdisk.txt 2.13 kB
Pc File Extention Listing.txt 26.48 kB
Pc Maintenance Guide.txt 10.20 kB
Peer2mail Tutorial.txt 9.37 kB
Performance Increase Through My Computer.txt 0.53 kB
Phreaking/2600 Hertz Single Tone Generator Schematic.txt 1.95 kB
Phreaking/A List of every TeleNet code that there is.txt 1.96 kB
Phreaking/A List Of Government BBS Numbers.txt 13.07 kB
Phreaking/An Extensive Guide to Bell System Man Holes.txt 10.10 kB
Phreaking/An Introduction into TeleScan.txt 3.98 kB
Phreaking/An Introductory Guide To TeleNet Commands.txt 2.20 kB
Phreaking/Area Codes and Time Zones.txt 4.90 kB
Phreaking/Becoming A Phreaker - The Quick n’ Easy Way.txt 17.09 kB
Phreaking/Bell Hell Volume #1.txt 10.29 kB
Phreaking/Bell Hell Volume #2.txt 15.92 kB
Phreaking/Breaker B0X.txt 1.96 kB
Phreaking/busybox.txt 1.61 kB
Phreaking/Cellular Listening with a TV .txt 1.96 kB
Phreaking/Cellular Telephone Phreaking Phile Series VOL 1.txt 10.00 kB
Phreaking/Drake’s Phreaking Tutorial.txt 3.34 kB
Phreaking/Hacking VoiceMail Systems.txt 25.89 kB
Phreaking/How BT phone cards works.txt 4.18 kB
Phreaking/How Phone Phreaks are Caught.txt 12.00 kB
Phreaking/How to Bill All Of your Fone Calls To Some Poor, Unsuspecting.txt 11.38 kB
Phreaking/How to make a Free Phone Call.txt 2.16 kB
Phreaking/How to Put an End to Unwanted or Harassing Phone Calls.HAR 12.10 kB
Phreaking/Phone Systems Tutorial by The Jolly Roger.txt 8.68 kB
Phreaking/Phreakers Handbook.txt 9.83 kB
Phreaking/Quick Phone Modifications.txt 4.12 kB
Phreaking/The ABC’s of Payphones part 1.txt 2.58 kB
Phreaking/The ABC’s of Payphones part 2.txt 2.12 kB
Phreaking/The ABC’s of Payphones part 3.txt 2.21 kB
Phreaking/The ABC’s of Payphones part 4.txt 2.64 kB
Phreaking/ThE Beige BoX .txt 6.23 kB
Phreaking/The History of British Phreaking.htm 8.29 kB
Phreaking/The M.M.C. Guide to Hacking, Phreaking, Carding.txt 19.11 kB
Phreaking/The Moterola Bible.txt 116.99 kB
Phreaking/The Myth of the 2600Hz Detector .txt 6.55 kB
Phreaking/The Official Phreaker’s Manual.txt 499.25 kB
Phreaking/The Phreakers Handbook-1.txt 62.87 kB
Phreaking/The Telephone Works.txt 9.25 kB
Phreaking/The Ultimate Phreaking Guide .txt 1.96 kB
Phreaking/Understanding the Telephone System.txt 16.34 kB
Phreaking/Zen and the Art of Fone Phreaking `97 .txt 66.74 kB
Play Games On PS2 Without ModChip.txt 5.37 kB
Play On A Bnet Emulator, and f off cd key check =).txt 1.81 kB
Port Numbers.txt 40.19 kB
Problem With Internet Navigation, Clean Host File.txt 0.47 kB
Quick Fix For Spyware, Try This Before Doing Surgery on Your OS.txt 1.77 kB
Quick Msc.txt 0.50 kB
Quick Shutdown for XP, How to create a shutdown shortcut..txt 0.54 kB
Quickly Start The Shared Folder Wizard.txt 0.40 kB
Rapidshare hack!!!!! Free premium acount for all.txt 3.08 kB
Rapidshare Hacked, unlimited upload, no countdown.txt 1.72 kB
Rapidshare Timelimit.txt 0.98 kB
Read This! Av Compare!.txt 7.56 kB
Recover A Corrupted System File.txt 1.10 kB
Recover a Quick erased CD RW.txt 3.89 kB
Reformat&Reinstall.txt 2.58 kB
Regedit.exe & Regedt32.exe, Whats the difference.txt 2.87 kB
Registry Disassembled a basic tutorial.txt 7.10 kB
Reinstall Internet Explorer 6.txt 1.13 kB
Release Codes, Read, and Learn….txt 2.29 kB
Remote Desktop Through Company Firewall.txt 2.59 kB
Remote Shutdown.txt 1.22 kB
Remove Linux From Your Pc Safely, …and restoring your MBR.txt 1.66 kB
Remove Msn Messenger From Xp, several ways…txt 4.99 kB
Removing Banners From Free Webhosts.txt 2.69 kB
Removing Norton Anti-virus 2004, How to remove the Registry Enteries.txt 0.97 kB
Rename ‘recycle Bin’ To Whatever You Want.txt 0.66 kB
Reregister All .dll Files Within Registry.txt 1.54 kB
Reset your lost Bios Password.txt 4.24 kB
Restore JPG,JPEG,JPE Default File associations, Win XP Tweak.txt 1.28 kB
Run Aol Without Using Aol Browser & Save Resources, connect permanently and use any browser.txt 0.44 kB
Running A Board forum From Your Own Pc.txt 2.32 kB
Running Vanishing Console Programs With A Click!, Ever had a console program that vanis….txt 1.13 kB
Safely Editing the Registry….txt 1.86 kB
Save Your Desktop Icon Settings.txt 2.18 kB
Saving and loading Photoshop actions.txt 1.79 kB
Scheduled Tasks - Defrag, how to set up scheduled defrags.txt 1.92 kB
ScreenLock Professional v2.0.41.txt 0.04 kB
Search For Ebook Server With 0.35 kB
Search like a real warez d00dz, for warez of course!.txt 0.57 kB
Searching For Something To Download, This may help.txt 0.34 kB
Secret Backdoor To Many Websites.txt 2.09 kB
Secrets Of Lock Picking.txt 53.74 kB
Securing WinXP Pro (with what win-xp has to offer.txt 9.60 kB
Securing your WINDOWS XP computer.txt 1.19 kB
Set Google as your Default Search in IE.txt 0.55 kB
Set Win Explorer to open the folder you want!, Little trick.txt 0.23 kB
sick of inserting winxp cd every time your pc asks, Change Default Location of i386 Folder.txt 3.21 kB
sidebar fix.txt 0.57 kB
Simple Tweaks For Peak Pc Graphics Performance.txt 10.16 kB
Single Click Shutdown.txt 2.82 kB
Single-click To Open An Item…, IF the Folder Options is grayed out.txt 1.19 kB
Slow Loggon Time, one fix for problem.txt 0.96 kB
Slow Opening Of File Dialogs.txt 1.10 kB
Some Cool Site For Tutorials.txt 0.41 kB
Some Google Tricks, again.txt 1.74 kB
Some More Tips To Improve Your Winxp.txt 24.09 kB
Sp2 For Xp Slipstream, Integrate SP2 into your XP CD.txt 10.71 kB
Sp2 Tweaks.txt 3.44 kB
Speed Up Internet.txt 4.46 kB
Speed up menu display.txt 0.54 kB
Speed up Mozilla FireFox.txt 0.45 kB
Speed Up Your Bandwidth By 20% !, Windows uses 20% of your bandwidth.txt 1.02 kB
Speeding up menus in XP.txt 0.27 kB
Speeding up your internet connection under Linux and Windows.html 11.75 kB
Spoofing emails, via telenet.txt 0.41 kB
Standard ASCII Character Set.txt 1.79 kB
Steps to Clean Install XP.txt 8.23 kB
Stop A Restart Process In 3steps.txt 0.29 kB
Stop Annoying Pop-ups Without Pop-up Blockersoutli.txt 1.23 kB
System Changes To Foil Hackers And Browser Hijacke.txt 7.65 kB
System File Checker For Windows Xp.txt 2.26 kB
Tcpip A Mammoth Description, Short and easy-Everything U want to know.txt 50.96 kB
Testing Wattage Consumption Of Your Computer, Measuring your computer’s wattage.txt 9.33 kB
The Antivirus Defense-in-Depth Guide.txt 2.77 kB
The difference between DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW and DVD-RW.txt 3.69 kB
The Modern Phreakers Guide To Beige Boxing.txt 4.32 kB
The Modern Phreakers Guide To Payphones.txt 6.98 kB
The Port Guide, Port number and info.txt 24.64 kB
The Ultimate Guide To Installing Windows Xp Sp2.txt 3.14 kB
Three Ways Of Bypass Starforce Cd Protection.txt 2.48 kB
Tip for shutdown windows - virus.txt 0.39 kB
Tips And Tricks, Windows XP.txt 41.24 kB
Tired Of Reinstalling Windows.txt 2.31 kB
To Get And Show The Ip Via Javascript.txt 0.62 kB
Top 5 Myths About Safe Surfing, PC Magazine.txt 3.36 kB
Transferring Data.txt 6.45 kB
Translating Binary To Text.txt 6.22 kB
Translating Binary to Text2.txt 5.72 kB
Trojan Ports.txt 13.83 kB
Turn MSN Messenger Display Pix into User Pix on XP.txt 2.50 kB
Turn Off Unneeded Services, speed up pc.txt 1.56 kB
Tutorial Get the serial number you need.txt 0.88 kB
Tutorial How to create a bootable Windows XP SP1 CD (Nero).txt 2.17 kB
Tutorials - Number Systems.html 7.78 kB
Tutorials - C Socket Programming In Unix For Newbies.txt 21.50 kB
Tutorials - of am 3mp33j3w.txt 18.64 kB
Tutorials - File Programming.txt 41.70 kB
Tutorials - LOGIC GATES.html 14.04 kB
Tutorials - Tutorial By Clayman.html 23.77 kB
Tutorials - A Simple Hit Counter In PHP.html 8.77 kB
Tutorials - A Simple Search Engine In PHP.html 9.62 kB
Where Is Winipcfg In Winxp.txt 0.62 kB
Who’s Seeding The Net With Spyware.txt 5.33 kB
Why wait 35 Seconds at eZshare.txt 1.55 kB
Win 2000 Dr. Watsson.txt 0.23 kB
Windows 2000 Tips & Tricks.txt 4.58 kB
Windows 2003 System Restore, How to activate system restore in W2K3.txt 5.47 kB
Windows Scan Count Down Time.txt 0.54 kB
Windows Shortcuts.txt 12.84 kB
Windows Tweak, Hack Your Start Button.txt 3.25 kB
Windows Xp - Speed Up Your Network and Internet Access.txt 2.70 kB
Windows XP Registry Tweaks.txt 34.05 kB
Windows XP Startup and Performance Tweaks.txt 1.76 kB
Windows Xp Tips ‘n’ Tricks.txt 28.51 kB
Windows Xp Tweaks, A work in progress.txt 2.98 kB
Windows XP Tweaks.txt 2.37 kB
WinRar Tutorial - Compression profiles, passwords and more.txt 5.78 kB
Winsock 2 Repair.txt 2.10 kB
WinXP 3 Tips.txt 1.87 kB
Winxp Application Defrag, faster access for used programs.txt 0.30 kB
Winxp Applications Startup Time, Decrease your Applications startup time.txt 1.16 kB
WinXP Bootable CD.txt 2.19 kB
Winxp System Response, reboot whitout rebooting.txt 0.61 kB
Winxp Tips And Tricks, Winsock 2 repair.txt 2.19 kB
Xp Auto Install.txt 1.79 kB
Xp Folder View Does Not Stay To You’re Setting., Grab your registry editor and join in.txt 1.87 kB
XP Tweaking.txt 15.75 kB
Yahoo + geocities Posts.txt 3.07 kB
Yahoo Messeger, no ad’s.txt 0.83 kB
You Want Lots Of Music, Appz, Anything, Try Dex Hunting.txt 1.47 kB
Your Home Page Nevr Being Changed.txt 0.50 kB
Your Own Home Server - Introduction.txt 11.25 kB


Windows TinyXP Pro SP3 Rev09 eXPerience w/ Hiren’s Boot CD 9.5 - Excellent OS!

Windows TinyXP Pro SP3 Rev09 eXPerience

To install Windows TinyXP from this CD, set your PC up so it will boot from the CD-ROM in the PC’s BIOS. Full description and installation procedure on next page.

You cannot install TinyXP as an “upgrade” from within Windows.

This TinyXP now has a “Repair Option” (Option 9) where you can install Windows the way you want, your own username, regional and language options etc. One file was hacked in this untweaked “attended” version so that you can see the product key on the actual installation screen as you install Windows. The hacked file is for installation purposes only and never ends up on your system. This #9 option in the boot menu for XP is the same as option #2 except in #2 it is an unattended installation and in #9 it is a standard install where you need to click next, etc.

Or you can choose any of the other eight different flavours of TinyXP. Options 1 to 8 are all unattended and vary in size and whether they
install with the added drivers or not.

Only install TinyXP onto a freshly formatted partition or hard disk. There is no upgrade option available in TinyXP, because the option is removed. You do not need any product key in this release - the installation of TinyXP is unattended, once you choose the drive or partition on which to install TinyXP.

Even on option nine, the product key is filled in for you on the screen, you simply click next without having to type a key in.

All installations are set to US English.


When you boot from this CD you have the following options:

Choosing #1 at the main menu, gives you the following menu:

1 - TinyXP With IE/OE/WMP (With Added Driverpacks)
2 - TinyXP With IE/OE/WMP (Without Added Driverpacks)
3 - TinyXP Without IE/OE/WMP (With Added Driverpacks)
4 - TinyXP Without IE/OE/WMP (Without Added Driverpacks)
5 - TinyXP BARE With IE/OE/WMP (With Added Driverpacks)
6 - TinyXP BARE With IE/OE/WMP (Without Added Driverpacks)
7 - TinyXP BARE Without IE/OE/WMP (With Added Driverpacks)
8 - TinyXP BARE Without IE/OE/WMP (Without Added Driverpacks)
9 - TinyXP With Repair Option (Product Key Already Filled In)

Choosing #2 at the main menu, gives you the following menu:

1 - Acronis Backup + Restore (Safe For Vista)
2 - Damn Small Linux v4.3
3 - Hiren’s BootCD v9.5
4 - SpinRite v6.0

Abbreviations from above:

IE —> Internet Explorer
OE —> Outlook Express
WMP —> Windows Media Player


Installations 1 to 8 of TinyXP include the following items, which are all automatically installed along with Windows:

Service Pack 3 Final (Build 5512)
All Hotfixes Up To May 2008
DirectX DLL Libraries (24 to 36)
Flash Player v9.0.124.0 (IE) - / - Plugin DLL v9.0.124.0 (Firefox/Opera)
Royale Theme (Options 1 to 4) - / - Classic Theme (Options 5 to


Here is a breakdown of the twelve options:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3:

For Microsoft fans

Options 1, 2, 5 and 6 all include Internet Explorer Web Browser v6, Outlook Express Email Client and Windows Media Player v9. These older
versions of Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player are what would install with Windows XP by default. If you want to install the later versions of these programs (Internet Explorer 7 and Windows Media Player 11) its no problem, those installers are in the EXTRAS folder on the CD to be applied after Options 1,2,5 or 6 have been installed. The IE7 and WMP11 installers are silent (just double click the file once to install) and they even install the post IE7 and WMP11 hot fixes! Windows XP is completely up to date and as Bill Gates intended.

For people who don’t like Microsoft programs

Options 3, 4, 7 and 8 do not include Internet Explorer, Outlook Express or Windows Media Player. Mozilla Firefox v3.0 is included to replace Internet Explorer. There are no replacements in these options to Outlook Express or Windows Media Player. You can just use your own programs like Mozilla Thunderbird to replace Outlook Expess and Winamp/VLC/MPC to play audio and video files.

For people who want the most features

Options 1, 2, 3, and 4 are as full as this Windows XP could possibly be made, while still fitting everything onto a 700Mb CD. You still have System Restore, games, almost every single service. The only removed services are removed because they are annoying, not to save space, all functionality is still there. All services are set to their default settings. This is the recommended installation, the first option, because it is the most complete one - with added drivers too.

For people who want a smaller faster leaner BARE installation

Options 5, 6, 7, and 8 are as stripped as Windows XP can be made without losing vital functionality like local networking. Bear in mind that a lot of components are removed from these options! For example, games, themes, even Windows Firewall is removed. These BARE options still support printers, scanners, cameras etc and these installations still include MDAC, Jet Database, COM+. These are smaller installs but they are still reasonably functional, 99% in fact!

Automatic Driver Installation

Options 1, 3, 5 and 7 include drivers to cover the following:
Input (Mice, Keyboards)
LAN Ethernet
SATA & Mass Storage
Sound Cards
TV cards
Wireless LAN

No Drivers Included

Options 2, 4, 6 and 8 do not contain those drivers - this is in case you have SATA problems with options 1, 3, 5, or 7, or if you just want to install your own drivers.

Repair Option

Option 9 is the same TinyXP as option 2 but option 9 is not unattended. You will need to click “Next” and “OK” a few times whilst it installs. This is here so you can boot into the “Repair Option” from the CD. When Windows is unattended like in options 1 to 8, you do not get this “Repair Option”. You might need it one day.


Live Rescue Options:

Acronis Backup + Restore

Option 1 on the rescue menu allows you to backup your existing partition(s) before installing Windows, or you can quickly restore a backup made previously with Acronis.

Damn Small Linux v4.3

This has to be one of the best things ever created in the world of computing! Option 2 is a 50Mb live Linux environment with the ability to connect to the internet from within the Linux environment. Includes Mozilla Firefox web browser and many other tools. What would you do if you totally lost your Windows install and had to get online to troubleshoot the problem? This is where Damn Small Linux comes in.

NOTE: You might get an SCSI problem when booting into this Damn Small Linux, if this happens, type “dsl noscsi” (without quotes) when you are loading Linux and it will work. You may need to type this command to boot Damn Small Linux in VMware. There is a Damn Small Linux text file in the DOCS folder on the CD.

Hirens Boot CD v9.5

Option 3 allows you to boot into Hirens Boot CD version 9.5. This is a massive collection of more then 200 tools! Including Partition Tools, Disk Clone Tools, Antivirus Tools, Recovery Tools, Testing Tools, RAM (Memory) Testing Tools, Hard Disk Tools, System Information Tools, MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools, BIOS / CMOS Tools, MultiMedia Tools, Password Tools, NTFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS (FileSystems) Tools, Dos File Managers, Dos Tools and Windows Tools. You can boot into Hiren’s and have access to Norton Partition Magic, Paragon Partition Manager, EasyRecovery. Please see the Hirens text file that is in the DOCS folder on the CD for the full list of tools included in the Hirens Boot CD.

SpinRite v6.0

SpinRite attempts to recover data from damaged portions of hard disks that might not be readable via the operating system. When it encounters a sector with errors that cannot be corrected by the disk drive’s error correcting code, it tries to read the sector up to 2000 times, and tries to determine the most probable value of each bit by comparing the results. The data is then saved onto a new block of the same disk.


EXTRAS folder (CD)

This folder contains:

Internet Explorer 7 Silent Installer
Windows Media Player 11 Silent Installer
eXPerience Registry Tweaks 2008


ISO folder (CD)

If you want to make standalone ISO’s of any of the nine Windows XP installations, you can do this by running one of the batch files included in the ISO folder on the CD.

You can also make a separate ISO with the four rescue options (Acronis + Damn Small Linux + Hiren’s BootCD + SpinRite)

See the ISO folder for more info.


You can use any of these programs:

Daemon Tools (free)
Alcohol 120% (not free)
UltraISO (not free)

Lets use Daemon Tools as an example - install Daemon Tools and mount the main ISO file of TinyXP_Rev09. Now open the virtual drive and open the ISO folder. Simply click any BAT file to make an ISO.

This is also especially useful if you downloaded a DVD but only have a CD player, as long as the DVD in question allows you to create standalone ISO files


OEM folder (CD)

If you want to install the drivers on this CD independently of installing Windows, this is now possible by running one BAT file. In the OEM folder on the CD you will find a file called:


Run this INSTALL DRIVERS.bat file and sit back whilst the process unpacks the drivers, then tries to find any drivers you might need installing, then installs the drivers, then removes the initial drivers that were extracted, because they are not needed afterwards.

You can run this INSTALL DRIVERS.bat file anytime, on any x86 Windows XP.

Do not move the BAT file from the OEM folder. If the BAT file is not left where it is inside the OEM folder, it will not work.


eXPerience folder (Desktop)

Most of these folders contain quick solutions to things that otherwise would be buried away in the Windows GUI or require DOS style commands. e.g. “control userpasswords2″ will open the screen to change your Windows XP login password, or “intl.cpl” runs the “Regional and Language Options” from Control Panel.


Desktop Icon Layout - Allows you to save your icon setup on the Desktop.
Hibernation - Turns Hibernation on/off with one double click.
Keyboard Settings - Quick way to open “Regional and language Options”
Program Links - Download links to many great programs, all freeware.
Registry Backup - Easily backup your registry in one double click.
Services Configuration Files - Configure Windows to use less RAM.
ShrinkXP Scripts - Removal of components whilst Windows is running.
User Password - Easily change your password for Windows.


Removed Items:

The breakdown of items removed is far too long to list here.

Instead, think about which option you chose (the number)
for example option 3. So then go to this folder:


In that nLite folder you will find a “Last Session.ini” file for nLite.

This file lists every component that is removed. If the item is not in
the list then the feature is still present in Windows.



RAM Usage On First Installation………… 85 Mb
WINDOWS Folder……………………….. 561 Mb

OPTION 3/4 (Without IE/OE/WMP)
RAM Usage On First Installation………… 75 Mb
WINDOWS Folder……………………….. 517 Mb

RAM Usage On First Installation………… 60 Mb
WINDOWS Folder……………………….. 488 Mb

OPTION 7/8 (BARE, Without IE/OE/WMP)
RAM Usage On First Installation………… 50 Mb
WINDOWS Folder……………………….. 459 Mb


Enjoy this fine release from eXPerience

Build Date: 22nd May 2008

Release Date : Spring 2008

ISO File MD5 Hash:



Sabtu, 2008 Desember 20

Tiny Windows Vista Ultimate by eXperience

windows vista tiny experience

No product key is needed. Windows Vista is activated upon installation. Windows is fully patched with all “important” Windows Updates to 8th may 2007.

The 512Mb RAM memory requirement is reduced to just 256Mb. The requirement of almost 8Gb of disk space is reduced to less than 3Gb. This installation only takes up about 35% of the size of a normal installation of Windows Vista. Many components have been removed from this edition of Windows, but you still have Microsoft’s three main programs:

Internet Explorer 7
Windows Mail (Formerly “Outlook Express”)
Windows Media Player 11

You also have the new Aero theme in this edition of Windows and the ability to use Windows Update.

There are no services taken out of this special edition of Windows. Only three services have been disabled: Remote Registry, Windows Error Reporting Service, Windows Search.

You cannot do an upgrade installation from this CD, because the upgrade files
have been removed. You can only install Windows by booting from the CD and
formatting your partition or hard drive.

There are concerns about finding a good firewall and antivirus for Windows Vista.If you want to use a good antivirus, get hold of NOD32 v2.70.31 (or later) and use the NSANE fix. For a firewall, you’re stuck with the built in firewall it seems, at least until software vendors start to make Vista compatible firewalls. On June 7th 2007, Comodo Firewall version 3 is due for release - this will have Vista support.

[How To Install Windows]

This unattended version of Windows is very easy to install.

You can only install this edition of Windows onto a formatted partition or hard drive, in other words, you cannot do an upgrade installation from within Windows.

To find out all the information on how to install this edition of Windows, open the eXPerience folder that is on the CD and open the file “2 - How To Install Windows.htm” . This guide will show you exactly what to do, with full images of the setup screens.

[Custom Tweaks]

This edition of Windows is heavily modified for the best possible user experience, with more than 120 registry tweaks, you can see all the details of the changes made by looking at the file “5 - Custom Tweaks.htm” that is in the Release Info folder in the eXPerience folder on the CD.

[Windows Updates]

This special eXPerience edition of Windows Vista includes all the “important” Windows Updates up to Tuesday, May 8th, 2007.

These hotfixes are installed silently near the end of the Windows install process…


[ISO File SHA-512 Checksum]

“Windows.TinyVista.Unattended.Activated.CD.iso ”

This ISO file is already bootable! If you have Nero Burning ROM, just right click the ISO file and open it with Nero, then burn the ISO file as an image file.